

The Board of Trustees and Governing Council of Phoenix University have been inaugurated by the Founder and Proprietor of the University, Senator (Dr.) Abdullahi Adamu, CON. The two bodies were jointly inaugurated at the BoT secretariat in fulfilment of the requirements of the code of governance for private universities in Nigeria.

The BoT is headed by the Proprietor and Founder of the University, Senator (Dr.) Abdullahi Adamu while the Governing Council is chaired by Professor Ibrahim Gambari.

During the inauguration, Senator Adamu laid out the reasons for setting up the institution. In his words, “The establishment of institutions of learning has always been a call to duty for me. This is because education opens the horizons to the human mind. The capacity for creativity and inventions are unlimited when the mind is exposed to learning and knowledge… In order to therefore make progress, and for development to be meaningful, education is a sine qua non and a harbinger to growth and prosperity”.

Senator Adamu stated that the idea to set up the University was to be able to leave a legacy at retirement. Additionally, he had to break the circle of rural – urban migration by siting the university in a rural and serene environment as well as to provide educational opportunities for the myriad of young men and women who seek to advance their educational pursuits – there is the urgent need to open the educational space for many brilliant young persons who by reason of their birth and environmental circumstance are unable to compete for the limited spaces available in existing universities. These young men and women suffer the loss of the intellectual spaces even though they may be among the most intellectually endowed persons in our society. It is to such young persons that we open this space for.

Turning to the appointees, Senator Adamu thanked them for accepting to serve in the two university bodies. He eulogised them for agreeing to bring their wealth of experience to bear for the growth and development of the university. In his words, “both our Board of Trustees and Governing Council are constituted of personalities that have made a huge impact in their chosen vocations. Amongst you are persons that are entrusted with our traditional values; experienced university administrators and experts in various fields of knowledge. In the words of the flamboyant late Dr. K.O Mbadiwe, you are men of Timber and Caliber. … Your choice into the Board of Trustees and Governing Council was deliberate and purposeful. You will surely bring your wealth of experience to bear in setting Phoenix University on the path of glory.

He then formally inaugurated the two Bodies with the task to help grow the university for the good of all.

Responding to the address, Professor Ibrahim Gambari, the Chairman of the Governing Council who responded on behalf of other members, spoke of their gratitude and appreciation for being recognized by the founder to serve in the two bodies. He noted that very few beginnings turn out easy however, they assured that where duty calls, they shall also raise the bar of duty to live up to their responsibilities.

He took time to commend the proprietor and founder for the investment he has made in education and promised to do their work diligently in order to achieve the objectives of the university. He also called on the management and staff  of the university to intensify efforts towards stabilizing the institution.